Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Currently & Wonderful Writing

Alright, it's that time of the month. I'm linking up with Farley again! Here's my March Currently.

To sum it up: Full House comes on Nick at Night almost every night around 9pm I've noticed. Conveniently, my Wednesday night schedule after 9 is WIDE open! :) How could you ever turn down Jesse Katsopoulis? You CAN'T! I had a great time at my adult ballet class tonight. I've been skipping the past few weeks due to illness, etc. But, I'm glad I decided not to be a couch potato. If you're looking for a way to de-stress or de-tox try a beginner adult ballet class. Seriously! 

Ever wear too cute shoes to school? Yup, that was me today. Not bright! So I NEED to get a shower, but I'm hoping for a 2 hour delay (however, the Philly weather crew has been way off the mark this year so....ehhhh). My first name is Ashley so A's are hard BUT I... 
Like: asparagus (hated it as a child, now it's my thing, easily a fav veggie)
Love: ambition (especially young ambition-you gotta want it)
Hate: animosity ('nuff said)

So below, you'll find pics of one of my latest Pinterest inspired creations. My Writing Goals chart! WAHOO! I adapted the version I found on Pinterest so that the goals fit the needs of my learners at this point in the year. And, I'm pretty much having 1:1 Writing conferences weekly. So that's when we review our Work on Writing (center work), weekly writing piece, and discuss/change/select new goals. Make sense? Well, I'm LOVIN' it! :)

Enjoy the close-up!


Michaela May said...

Found you through the Currently from Farley! LOVE your blog! I teach 2nd grade and loving how you used the writing goals poster! I can use something similar with my kids!

Hope you can come over to my blog:


JennyB said...

Love the writing goals poster! That's a great idea!!! I totally understand about the cute shoes! I've got some coming in the mail soon and I don't know if they'll be comfortable, but I don't care!!!!!
:) JennyB
One Berry Blog

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