Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Snowflakes for Sandy Hook

Over the past couple of days, I've watched the rest of the world around me start to move on from the Sandy Hook tragedy with one thought on my mind: those students and that community will not be moving on as easily as we do. Instead of feeling merely blessed or thankful for all that my students and I share, I've felt some guilt. Guilt because well, I can't or couldn't find a way to make things better for these students, teachers, and community members.  Maybe I felt a bit helpless too...And then...I received an email from the mother of a former student of mine. I've copied it below. If you're like me and you want to do something, anything to support Sandy Hook Elementary and their local community in the smallest way you can KEEP READING & have fun making snowflakes!

Please note: The author of the following message happens to be friends with a teacher at the Middle School in Connecticut.

Please help the students of Sandy Hook have a winter wonderland at their new school! Our neighboring town of Monroe has generously donated a building that will be able to keep all our Sandy Hook students together. Crews are currently busy delivering equipment, desks, chairs, supplies; however, the halls are bare. We want to create a warm, happy and cheerful environment for the students as they enter the new building. Make and send snowflakes to:
Connecticut PTSA

60 Connolly Parkway 

Building 12 Suite 103

Hamden, CT 06514 

To reach anyone at Sandy Hook PTA, email at sandyhook@ctpta.org

C'mon bloggy friends, let's share a little love with those that need it the most right now.  WE have the opportunity to create a new, safe, warm, comfortable learning environment for boys and girls that deserve nothing but the the best. Carpe diem!


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