Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reasonable Commute?

Okay blogger friends,
I need some serious advice! I'm considering relocating to more an upbeat, young area mainly because I've lived in my district for well, 4 school years now, and I'm just not a fan of living where I teach. The grocery stores, restaurants, and malls are packed with current students, former students, relatives, etc. The longer I teacher, the worse it gets... I've come to the conclusion that this just isn't for me. This experience has made me understand just a smidgen anyways, of what it might be like to be a celebrity because whenever I'm spotted it's like front page news. What I'd give to go to the store in my sweats....

So, here's what I'm contemplating...an HOUR commute. I've done this before during student teaching. I know plenty of people in America do this every day. But, how feasible is it really? Do any of you commute 40 minutes or more? Feel free to share all experiences,  tips, and advice! 

In other news I always sing a little song I got from a Kindergarten teacher in my building to remind students to put their names on papers it goes like this:

The first thing you do is put your name on your paper,
name on your paper, name on your paper,
The first thing you do is put your name on your paper,
so we know whose it is, THE END!

**This year we added a 2nd verse**

The second thing you do is put your date on your paper,
date on your paper, date on your paper, 
The second thing you do is put your date on your paper,
so we know what date IT IS!

**Then last week, my kiddos kept going and made up a WHOLE new, 3rd verse**

The last thing you do is wait for directions,
wait for directions, wait for directions, 
The last thing you do is wait for directions,
so you know what to do, THE END!

You  know, I love their creativity and I'm keeping their lyrics. Looks like this year is shapin up to be a good one. :)


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